Le pietre d'inciampo a Padova

The site aims at giving information on the stumbling stones in Padua, as a user-friendly and abridged tool. I have gathered into one space all the precious and constant historical research on this shameful page of our history, which have been carried out by some people for years. Notably, Mariarosa Davi, Sara Parenzo and Giulia Simone have constantly helped me and have been a reference point and generously helpful.
I created the site in January 2018 as the conclusion of my one-year internship at the Jewish Heritage Museum of Padua when I was a secondary school student. My tutor, Simonetta Lazzaretto, who is in charge of the Museum, has always helped and encouraged me. I wish to thank her as well as the staff: Chiara Marangoni, Giorgia Gammino, Arianna Baù.
Although I finished my training when sitting my finals in 2019, I was encouraged to continue, to keep the site alive and update it every time that new stumbling stones will be laid in Padova.
Starting from January 2020, I have chosen to list the streets by following the chronological order of the embedding of the stones, rather than by space and proximity one.
The English version of the site is edited by Antonella Ortis and Sara Babad, untiring volunteers at the Museum. The Hebrew version is edited by Yoel Naouri, an Israeli doctor, who graduated in Padua and taught here from 2014 to 2019 modern Hebrew language at the Jewish Community of Padua.

I read the stories of the Shoa Victims in Padua in the following books:

Mariarosa Davi (edited by), ”Alunni di razza ebraica”. Studenti del Liceo-Ginnasio “Tito Livio” sotto le leggi razziali, Padova, 2010.
• Mariarosa Davi e Giulia Simone (edited by), Giacomo Levi Civita e l'ebraismo veneto tra Otto e Novecento, Padova University Press, Padova, 2015.
• Claudia De Benedetti (edited by), Il cammino della speranza. Gli ebrei a Padova, Edizioni Papergraf, Padova, 2000-5760.
• Teo Ducci, Un tallèt ad Auschwitz, Casa Editrice Giuntina, Firenze, 2000.
• Sara Parenzo, Il posto delle capre. Una storia familiare, Cierre edizioni, Verona, 2012 (2014 1st reprint).
• Francesco Selmin, Nessun "giusto" per Eva. La Shoah a Padova e nel Padovano, Cierre edizioni, Verona, 2011 (2012 2nd reprint).
• Patrizio Zanella, Maria Lazzari. Storia di una deportata antifascista, Edizioni Messaggero Padova, Padova, 2020.

Finally, I would like to thank all the people who allowed me to use their photos. Namely Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, the Director of the CDEC Foundation: by authorising me to publish the first photos, he made this experience possible.

Padua, April 21st 2020

Sofia Martinello